This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to perform basic tasks as an operative performing temporary traffic management works. This course serves as an introduction to traffic management and is a prerequisite module for most further National Highways Sector Schemes/LANTRA qualifications. The candidate will be able to recall and understand basic principles of temporary traffic management (TTM) and the terminology used. The candidate will also be able to safely deploy and maintain equipment on-site, including TTM equipment and personal protective equipment.
The unit teaching will typically take place over the course of half a day
Understanding the relevant codes of practice and other associated documentation when involved in traffic management
Understanding the role of Sector Schemes
Understanding the Quality Assurance process and NHSS documents
Understanding the different types of roads across the UK road network
Understanding which roads/works are covered by which NHSS document
Understanding the different classifications of road users
Understanding the different terminology used in the TTM industry in relation to different roads
Understanding the processes required to become a qualified Operative and obtain a skills registration card, plus ongoing training to Supervisor level
Understanding Health and Safety requirements including risk assessments and method statements
Understanding the variety of TTM equipment and the basic principles of its use
Understanding what constitutes a safety zone
Understanding the general Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) requirements
Understanding crossing the carriageway HSE CIS53
Understanding the different types of vehicles used in TTM and where they are used
Understanding the environment where learners are expected to work
Understanding the safe way to enter / exit a site
Understanding the need to maintain sites, and what is involved
Understanding how to deal with accidents and emergencies within the works area
This course can be delivered at either of our training centres or at your own location providing you have the sufficient space and equipment.
Please contact us for more details.
Half Day