LANTRA 12D Reassessments

Lantra is the leading provider of training and qualifications for land-based industries across the UK and Ireland. They are recognised by Highways England, Transport Northern Ireland, Transport Infrastructure Ireland, the Welsh Assembly and Transport Scotland. Lantra also work closely with the Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) to provide their smartcard schemes, allowing candidates to have readily available access to their cards from any device that can access the internet.

Their training courses support the nationally recognised National Highway Sector Schemes (NHSS). These are quality management systems used by National Highways, who are responsible for 4% of the maintenance of the UK’s roads. The remaining percentage are the responsibility of local authorities, many of which do also accept and adopt the schemes. The schemes are produced as complimentary standards to ISO 9001 (2015) for those working on UK roads, providing a more thorough set of requirements and interpretations for the maintenance, construction and inspection of UK roads.

This course will allow you to renew your existing skills on your Lantra skills card, so long as they are within 1 year of expiry or the 6 month grace period post-expiry.





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Awarding Bodies

This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully perform tasks and comply with legislation involved in being a Moving Works Operative. This course is a prerequisite for a candidate to become a Registered Traffic Management Operative (RTMO). The candidate will be able to be able to produce risk assessments and method statements in line with relevant codes of practice for mobile- and short-duration works. The candidate must also be able to identify and understand the requirements of mobile works and short duration works, and the needs of non-motorised road users.

The unit teaching will typically take place over the course of half a day

This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully perform tasks and comply with legislation involved in being a Registered Traffic Management Operative (RTMO). This course is a prerequisite for a candidate to become a RTMO. The candidate will be able to recognise and reproduce basic site layouts. The candidate must also be able to understand the operation of Stop and Go signalling, as well as the commissioning and operation of portable traffic signals.

The unit teaching will typically take place over the course of half a day

Successful completion of this certificate will award the candidate with a T2 award at the 'Trainee' level. Further assessments are required to attain an M2 award at the 'Skilled Worker'/RTMO level.

This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully perform tasks and comply with legislation involved in performing works on Dual Carriageways with a 40mph maximum speed. This course is an additional qualification for Registered Traffic Management Operatives (RTMOs). The candidate will be able to understand the layout of a low speed dual carriageway and the process of implementing traffic management on different low speed dual carriageways, taking into account their various features. The candidate must demonstrate an understanding on the installation and removal of a taper, advanced signing, and other traffic management equipment. The candidate will also understand the proper procedures for entering and exiting closures, and their role in the case of an accident or emergency.

The unit teaching will typically take place over the course of half a day

Successful completion of this certificate will award the candidate with a T3 award at the 'Trainee' level. Further assessments are required to attain an M3 award at the 'Skilled Worker'/RTMO level.

This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully perform tasks and comply with legislation involved in performing works on the road within a convoy. The candidate will be able to understand the planning needed for convoy working and working without a safety zone. The candidate must be able to recognise traffic managment systems and equipment used whilst working within a convoy on both single carriageway and low-speed dual carriageway roads. The candidate will also learn the sytems of working within single vehicle and multiple vehicle convoys, and the signage required for each scenario.

The unit teaching will typically take place over the course of half a day

Successful completion of this certificate will award the candidate with a T4 award at the 'Trainee' level. Further assessments are required to attain an M4 award at the 'Skilled Worker'/RTMO level.

This certificate is designed to allow candidates to demonstrate the knowledge required to successfully perform tasks and comply with legislation involved in being a Registered Lead Traffic Management Operative (RLTMO). The candidate will be able to recall, in depth, content covered in previous Lantra modules. The candidate must also be able to assess and determine traffic mangement layout requirements for a variety of sites, and have sufficient knowledge on the necessary equipment required. The candidate will be able to provide support to other Registered Traffic Management Operatives in a practical and supervisory sense. 

The unit assessment will typically take place over the course of two days 

Successful completion of this certificate will award the candidate with an M6 award at the 'Skilled Worker'/RLTMO level.

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